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Your donation allows us to continue supporting our campaigns on the island of Dominica and the Caribbean Diaspora Communities.

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$20 $50 $100 OTHER

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$32 $65 $120 $250

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$100 $250 $500 $1000

Your donation of $32 a month gives 1 child access to our High School Scholarship every year. 100% Funds our Health and Education Initiatives.

Who Are We?

Over the past decade we have been dedicated to elevating the health and education capacity of our community. Through unwavering commitment and a passionate team of volunteers, we have embarked on a journey of transformation. Our initiatives have not only provided access to quality healthcare and education but have also fostered a sense of hope and empowerment. From conducting health seminars and training in underserved areas to funding scholarships for deserving students, we have seen lives change, dreams flourish, and communities thrive. With your support, we aim to continue this impactful work, making strides in healthcare and education that will leave a lasting legacy of progress for generations to come.

We welcome you to join our community by becoming a member Today!

Health Initiatives

We acquire life saving medical equipment that will enable healthcare providers to accurately diagnose ailments and deliver quality treatment to improve overall health of their patients.

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Education Initiatives

DAHEI strives to build a stronger educational system on the island of Dominica,  providing the tools needed to succeed in school and life and instilling an early love for learning.

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Cultural Events

The Caribbean Culture Cuisine and Arts Expo (CCCAE) is the annual signature fundraising event of DAHEI and provides an opportunity for the Caribbean Diaspora to showcase their talent.

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Dominican Health and Education Initiative (DAHEI) is a charitable non-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.Our mission is to elevate the health and education capacity on the island of Dominica and other Eastern Caribbean islands.

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